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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Preview: Wedding day portraits...

How Gorgeous is she? Amazing...
More of this beautiful couple and their special day coming soon!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

sweetest family...

A couple of weeks ago, I met this amazing family and spent about 2 hours capturing their essence. With four brothers who seem like best-friends and two patient, loving parents its hard not to capture great images! I met Katie through the La Leche League conference charity auction and am so glad I did! What an amazing family...Dad's a professor and they run their own business www.littleAnts.com, a store that sells natural parenting products which is dedicated to helping families exist within their means while still providing for their children. How awesome is that? Oh and I forgot to mention that they home school all four boys too!
What a wonderful family you all have! I hope you enjoy your images from our afternoon together...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Landon is here...

It's a beautiful boy for my good friends...and now they are the perfect family of four! I'm so excited to see this little guy grow up to be just as cute, smart and funny as his big brother Gavin! I can already tell he's off to a good start...he has to have been one of the best newborns I've ever shot! He slept for almost two hours, never cried and let me pose him with ease...little over-achiever that little guy=)
Here he is:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A gift...

A couple months ago, after years of searching, 3 moves, and thousands of boxes later, we finally found the bin of perfectly preserved baby clothes that my mom kept from when John and I were born. I'm in love. It meant so much to me to find them, especially as my mom's health has been deteriorating...it somehow connects me to her at an even greater level. Reminds me of just how awesome a mother she was and is...all the way down to the perfectly polished and put-together clothes=) Oh, mom...I love you, thank you for this gift...

And a few of my favorites~

As you can see, there are a lot of baby girl clothes...and what is for little guys, Luca has already grown out of for the most part=( Maybe in January I will be able to put more of these clothes to good use!!

And if you haven't already guessed, with this being a more personal post, I am trying to merge my personal family blog and my photography blog. Hopefully this will do two things...allow me to save time in only updating and keeping up with one blog rather than two, and second it should allow my clients a better opportunity to get to know me and my family!


Friday, July 1, 2011

one amazing family...

I had the wonderful opportunity of photographing an awesome family a month or so ago. Seven kids in total, 6 girls and 1 lucky brother! It was so interesting to see the dynamic of this family in action. I would love to have a troop of kids...not sure Alex will let me have 7 but a girl can dream=)
The triple image collage below is an example of a triptych that can be printed and framed together...the result is a beautiful piece of art for your wall! 
 My personal favorite image from the entire session with this family! I L.O.V.E when I catch that real moment between people and this is a perfect example of sisters just having fun together...you can feel the love...

Britt Franken Photography: Products
On another note, I'm going to be posting pictures a few of the products I offer and how clients are enjoying them in their homes. These include canvases, framed prints, and print standouts. I'm also very excited to be offering a couple different new custom albums! One is a handbound leather album and the other a book cloth/photo cover album with fine art print paper. Both are beautiful...beautiful, heirloom books that can be shared and enjoyed for generations. Pictures of some of those books are coming soon too!


Aren't this two brothers the cutest? They were adorable and funny and so so sweet! I wish I would have had more time with these two in front of my lens=)


For more info contact me at Britt.Franken@gmail.com